Thursday, February 20, 2014

Essay 2

         Today in class, we had to write about our writing process and our anticipations for the essay number one.  To start my first essay, I started off brainstorming by writing down many ideas I had to connect myself to the story “Hills like White Elephants”. I wrote the paper in one sitting because I got into the mood for writing and my fingers started typing. Peer review helped me see many different takes on the same writing topic. My groups helped me correct any mistakes and had some very good ideas. I was really happy with my writing process for this essay. For my next essay, I’m nervous because the first one was so easy for me to write and I really enjoyed it. This essay seems a bit more analytical than essay one and not as broad as the last one. The first easy was so easy to write about because it was your own personal experience and there was no right or wrong answers, as long as you had textual evidence. I am going to have to do this paper a little bit differently because I have to actually have to have a source other than the book.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Peer Review

Last week in class, we corrected our papers in groups. My group was really helpful and had great input. Both of their papers were great and really had meaning behind it. Hearing other classmates’ papers made me look at my paper differently and add more content to it. The peer review required us to read our papers twice and then we had to pass it around for the grammar check. Although at first I did not think the peer review would help, it really did. I wrote about “The Hills like White Elephants” and how I can compare to her because I had to make many decisions in my life. Although I have not had to make a big decision, like Jig in the story, I have made numerous decisions that have affected me in many ways.


The other week in class we read “The Cast of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe. Basically it was about revenge which leads someone to murder another person. The story’s tone is very dark, and so is the ending.
Many people seek revenge after getting hurt or betrayed. Once someone has completed his or her quest for revenge, they are often left feeling worst off than before. Sinking down to the level of the person who hurt them is the worst thing anybody can do. Although it may be hard, rising above someone who hurt will ultimately make you feel better than seeking revenge.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Commit the Act, Pay the Price

            One of the short stories we read this week was Hills like White Elephants. When first reading through it I didn’t quite understand the whole meaning. After doing my research I discovered that there was so much symbolism within it. The girl is struggling with her decision on having abortion and the guy is saying that he does not see another way. The girl is thinking about how she could overcome these obstacles and make a life with her unborn child.
In real life, I believe that many girls struggling with the decision on whether or not to have an abortion. Most guys are all for abortion but the girls are the ones who have to go through the emotions and it is truly real. For guys they don’t have to go to the abortion clinic and actually have the procedure done to them and it is not as traumatic. I believe guys should be more supportive on how the girl is feeling and focus on her and not just think about his personal gain. If a guy is responsible enough to commit the act, then he should be responsible enough to take care of a baby.