Today in
class, we had to write about our writing process and our anticipations for the
essay number one. To start my first
essay, I started off brainstorming by writing down many ideas I had to connect
myself to the story “Hills like White Elephants”. I wrote the paper in one
sitting because I got into the mood for writing and my fingers started typing.
Peer review helped me see many different takes on the same writing topic. My
groups helped me correct any mistakes and had some very good ideas. I was
really happy with my writing process for this essay. For my next essay, I’m nervous
because the first one was so easy for me to write and I really enjoyed it. This
essay seems a bit more analytical than essay one and not as broad as the last
one. The first easy was so easy to write about because it was your own personal
experience and there was no right or wrong answers, as long as you had textual
evidence. I am going to have to do this paper a little bit differently because
I have to actually have to have a source other than the book.
I agree with you about how you feel about writing essay number 2.