Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Job Success

     For my second outside of class activity, I went the Capital One Seminar. It was quite interesting and had very good advice. I went to the one entitled “Job Success” the two people who taught it made a lot of sense. They said it was all common sense and it really was, but not many people think about it when they are in the situation.
     Many things can help you with success in a job. One key point they talked about was shaping a conversation. Say a boss came up to you and was telling you that you did something wrong, you can turn the situation around and say something like “Thank you so much for the advice I really appreciate it and I want to become better at my job.” So now the boss looks at you differently, the boss feels like a mentor to you and wants you to do better because your success now reflects on your boss and your boss knows that you can take criticism. They also said that you can ask your boss to do projects but you have to stay focused because many other problems will come arise and just stick to your main project and finish it and then you can go back a focus on the other ones. Self-image is very important on the job because you want to be known as the person that is great to work with and smiles all the time not that person who looks mad all the time and is not a pleasure to work with.
     Overall the seminar was very helpful and really gave great advice. I will use it after college when I get into my career. The people who taught the seminar said it wasn’t rocket science and it’s not you just have to remember how to handle a situation when you are in it.


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