Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Break, Papers, and Packages

      It's sad that Spring Break is over, and of course I waited till the last minute to do all of my homework. I did not travel anywhere over Spring Break. It honestly didn’t even feel like a break because I was doing so much! One thing I did do over break was my best friend Blake and I started to make care packages for the Navy Aircraft Carrier, USS George H.W. Bush. There will be boxes around campus soon, so that people can donate food and other items like Chap Stick and magazines. I’m really excited to send them, I know that they will appreciate it and I am so thankful for them for fighting for our country.
       I finally finished my rough draft on my symbolism paper. It was not hard, it was just hard finding the time to actually sit down and do it. I used many symbols like the fire escape, blue roses, the movies, and the glass unicorn. I was searching for information on the internet and found so much more explanations on the symbols that I never would have thought about. Peer reviews are Tuesday and Thursday which are helpful but also somewhat boring. I am so ready for summer.


  1. I think that what you are doing with Blake is a great idea! I am sure that they will love the packages that they will get and it is such a great way to give back to those who do so much for us even though we do not really think about it. Also, congrats on finishing up your paper. I felt the same about mine as you did on yours. Such a relief to have it finished! And Summer could not come fast enough!

  2. It is very thoughtful of what Blake and you are doing. I am almost a hundred percent positive that they will absolutely love the packages and be very thankful for them. Congrats of finishing your paper, I have one more paragraph to go. I cannot wait to be finished with it. I went you and Cate, summer cannot get here any sooner. Hopefully these last few weeks of this semester will fly by.
